
TOPANGA CANYON : Fair to Give Tips on Disaster Preparations

When the fires came, many panicked and much was lost.

Topanga Canyon residents hope to be better educated and better prepared for the next natural disaster.

Nearly a year after an arsonist’s blaze sped across the steep hillsides of the canyon to Malibu, the Topanga Coalition for Emergency Preparedness is holding a Disaster Preparedness Fair. Officials from the American Red Cross and the Los Angeles County Fire Department will be on hand today to teach locals how to avoid a repeat of the 1993 devastation--or at least cut their losses when a fire, flood or earthquake strikes.

Proceeds from the event--to be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Topanga Elementary School, 141 N. Topanga Canyon Blvd.--will go toward erecting a disaster center in the canyon.


In addition to agencies that deal directly with emergency services, those dealing with forestry, conservation and health will provide information on fire-resistant trees and shrubs, clearing fire fuels from around homes and surviving natural disasters.

There will also be private companies selling “all kinds of stuff that people might be interested in getting for their homes,” said coalition chair Pat Mac Neil, including fire extinguishers and emergency backpacks for children.

Gabrielle Lamirand, president of the Topanga Chamber of Commerce, said the fair was intended to be for the entire family, with plenty of games and activities for the youngsters. As if that were not enough of an incentive to take the children, 3,000 Pogs will be given away.
