
Costa Mesa : Game to Raise Funds for Anti-Gang Group

Mac Bernd, superintendent for the Newport-Mesa Unified School District, will throw out the first pitch at a “strike out gang violence” softball game at Lions Park from noon to 5 p.m. today.

Who will play in the first game is not yet known, but Roy Alvarado, a gang counselor and event coordinator, said he will try to get in as many games as possible in the five hours allotted.

The purpose is for families to play against other families. Mothers can play against sons, daughters can play against fathers, or sons can play against fathers. Or whatever kind of mix possible, Alvarado said.


“The whole idea is to get the family out on the field,” he said.

The games will be sponsored by the Todos Hermanos, a nonprofit gang prevention organization. Although the games are free, the group hopes to raise money from the tacos and cold drinks sold by Madres and Padres Costa Mesa.

A disc jockey will also play songs for $1 donations.

At first, the men who make up Todos Hermanos just wanted to play hardball among themselves, Alvarado said.

“But then we considered our age and we decided to let the women and the kids in on the game,” he said.


Lions Park is at West 18th Street and Newport Boulevard.

Information: (714) 645-8808.
