
IRVINE : Northwood Park Plans on Agenda

The City Council tonight will continue a nearly decade-old discussion, reviewing plans to create a park in Northwood village on a long-abandoned railroad right of way owned by the city.

Talks about converting the 1 1/2-mile-long strip of land into a park began soon after the railroad abandoned a route adjacent to the site about 10 years ago, according to Mayor Michael Ward. The Irvine Co. donated the property to the city after it was no longer required by the railroad.

City officials had proposed selling the land to nearby homeowners whose back yards abut the property, but too few homeowners were willing to purchase the land.


Because city officials thought the proposed park would be mostly of benefit to nearby homeowners, the previous City Council tried to create an assessment district that would have tapped nearby residents for park construction costs. The move failed.

After numerous discussions among residents and city officials earlier this year, the council is poised to choose one of three plans for the park, with costs ranging from $2.2 million to $2.8 million.

Residents are asking for low-mounted park lighting to prevent light from shining into nearbyhomes. But the lower height of the fixtures would reduce the amount of light, requiring additional lights and increasing the cost from $91,000 to as much as $554,000, according to a city report.


Whatever plan is approved, the question of how to fund the park will remain.

“We may build the park in phases,” Ward said. “The big thing has always been the design.”
