
Religious Right and Democrats

I must thank you for running next to each other “Dissatisfied Americans May Spell Democrat Losses” and “GOP Moderates Warn of Religious Right Takeover” (July 28). Each told a different side of the same story. As you note, I see both Democrats and “moderate” Republicans striving to create bogymen of conservatives with values grounded in their faith in God. Neither fear-mongering group will succeed because Americans are not afraid of leadership that stands and fights for values that are consistent with their religious faith.

George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. all did the same, using their faith in God as the foundation for actions that liberated nations and races. Our hope today lies with men and women who will do the same.



I am continually amused by the number of benevolent Democrats who, I’m sure out of genuine concern for the well-being of the Republican Party, continue to alert the American people of the imminent takeover of the GOP by radical right-wing religious fundamentalists. The chorus, up until now, was composed of Rep. Vic Fazio (D-West Sacramento), Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders and even President Clinton. Now The Times has joined in this effort to “save” the Republican Party.


It strikes me as ironic, however, that directly above your article on the GOP is an article detailing the recent Times Poll, which found that “strikingly, more Americans display concern about the political influence of culturally divisive groups associated with the Democrats . . . i.e., feminists and gay activists.” I believe the Democrats are preaching to their own liberal Democratic choir when voicing concerns about the religious right. This moderate Republican is not a convert to their cause. I am much more comfortable with the views of the so-called radical right-wing religious fundamentalists, who preach moral absolution and personal responsibility, than I am with the views of the radical left-wing atheist liberals who preach moral relativism and economic injustice.


Santa Clarita

Regarding your poll: Before people get too disappointed in Clinton, I suggest they take a look at the obstructionist tactics utilized by the Republicans.

I have been a registered Republican all my life, and am almost ashamed to admit it. As I recall, President Clinton’s economic program was blocked by the Republican filibuster, of which the illustrious Sen. Bob Dole was so proud, in the name of partisan politics, totally disregarding and putting the success of his party before the best interests of the country.


Before, voting in more Republicans, I suggest we put the blame for any lack of accomplishments by Clinton where it belongs--on Dole and the obstructionist philosophy of the Republican Party.


Marina del Rey
