
Topics / ENVIRONMENT : Residents Can Dispose of Oil, Other Wastes

Household hazardous waste will be collected without charge Saturday in Arcadia.

Residents throughout the western San Gabriel Valley can drop off used motor oil, cleaners with acids or lye, paint, turpentine, batteries, pesticides and garden herbicides from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Santa Anita Race Track, 285 W. Huntington Drive, Gate 6, Colorado Place.

Each vehicle can bring in five gallons or 50 pounds of waste, county officials said. Material should be placed in a sturdy box, preferably in original containers, and not mixed together. No explosives, ammunition, radioactive materials or waste from businesses will be accepted.

The program is sponsored by the county Public Works Department and sanitation districts in conjunction with the cities of Arcadia, Alhambra, Bradbury, Baldwin Park, Duarte, El Monte, Irwindale, Monrovia, Pasadena, Rosemead, San Gabriel, San Marino, Sierra Madre and Temple City.
