
Colorado Springs

* Aren’t you shocked with indignation at the dangerous activities of those religious radicals in Colorado Springs? (“Rise of Religious Groups Divides Conservative Town,” July 6). Imagine the impropriety of children being baptized without the knowledge or consent of their parents! Had any of these children been taken for secret abortions, however, we will zealously protect the child’s right to make that decision without the knowledge or consent of her parents.

Our country is in great danger of being overtaken by Christians? Can you imagine what our society would be like when led by teachers, politicians and jurists who are committed to live by the book that teaches individuals to love their enemies and pray for those who spitefully use them? Where would we be if society were to adopt the Bible’s teaching to live peaceably with all men as far as it is possible, and to overcome evil with good (Romans 12)?

Oh no! Like the bored warriors of Camelot, let us rise up and shout, “Fie on goodness!”


