
Keep the Golf Courses in City Hands

* Well, the time has come for the City Council of Anaheim to make up its mind whether to maintain the excellence of golf in Anaheim or to surrender our courses to an uncertain future under private operation.

At Tuesday’s meeting, the council will decide whether to accept any of the proposals by private operators to take over operation of the city’s two fine courses. It should be remembered that at the time the council ordered staff to send out requests for proposals, they assured everyone that unless there was a significant amount of revenue to be gained by privatizing, they certainly would not sacrifice the excellence we now enjoy.

Next year’s budget has current golf operations contributing just under $1.9 million to the city’s general fund from two of the best municipal golf courses anywhere. The point is, Anaheim is getting an excellent return from our courses, and we are getting an excellent product.


To risk both by giving these courses up to a contractor would be, at best, shortsighted and, at worst, financially disastrous.



Anaheim Municipal Employees Assn.
