
BODY WATCH : WHAT’S THE DEAL? : Give a Nod to Sleepy-Time Solutions

When you can’t fall asleep, there are ways to coax slumber:

* Carnation Hot Cocoa Mix, 10-pack, $1.74.

* Compoz Nighttime Sleep Aid, 24 tablets, $5.39.

* “Conquering Bad Dreams and Nightmares,” by Drs. E. Joseph Neidhardt and Barry J. Krakow; $8.95 plus shipping and handling from Berkley Books, (212) 951-8800.

* Bedtime teddy bear, 32 inches tall, Dakin Super Cuddles Bear, Litchfield’s Toys, Glendale, $99.88.

* Digital sound soother (white noise) machine, Sharper Image. $169.95.
