
SAN FERNANDO : New Way to Disinfect Water Supply Sought

With federal funds, San Fernando officials are researching ways to disinfect the city’s water supply without using chlorine.

“Because of the earthquake, there are (Federal Emergency Management Agency) funds that we are eligible for to disinfect our water,” San Fernando Public Works Director Mike Drake said in a City Council meeting last week. “We should take advantage of this to update our technology.”

San Fernando, which uses a blend of well water and supplies from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, has hired a consultant to review the city’s needs and assess what other chemicals are available to disinfect the water, Drake said.


Councilman Doude Wysbeek was concerned that San Fernando would be trading in a time-proven chemical method for a more high-tech but less time-tested one. Councilman Raul Godinez, however, was more optimistic.

“I think it’s a great opportunity to be on the leading edge and, if FEMA will pay for it, I support this wholeheartedly,” he said.
