
A Few Thoughts on Rock Hudson and Another Man Named John . . .

I was honored and amused by your story headlined “Suture Switch--Hey, John Randolph Once Turned Into Rock Hudson,” (Sunday Calendar, April 3).

I am John Randolph.

In the interest of your readers who were born in the ‘60s, and to serve as a historical record, I was featured in the motion picture “Seconds” (1965). I played the “alter-identity” of Rock Hudson, a banker who went through plastic surgery to establish a new life and career.


This motion picture was based upon the compelling assertion by the FBI that in the United States, an average of 75,000 men of middle age “disappear” annually. They start new lives. Many are discovered only by accident.


“Seconds” was significant in many ways and has since become a “cult film.” Since the advent of color films, it was the first major film to be shot in black-and-white. Indeed, James Wong Howe was nominated for an Oscar for the cinematography.

John Frankenheimer directed “Seconds,” and I performed with two other fine actors: Will Geer and Jeff Corey. We three shared one thing in common--we had each been blacklisted. This picture marked our return to the sound stages at Paramount.

“Seconds” will always hold a special place in my heart and in history.
