

One of the most shameful chapters in contemporary history is the denial and cover-up of the death and destruction caused by the pursuit of nuclear technology (“The Atomic Trail of Tears,” by Michael D’Antonio, March 20). In the name of national security, technological superiority and plain old greed, generations of citizens have been lied to, victimized and sacrificed.

Nuclear proponents in industry and government continue to promote a deadly, expensive and unforgiving technology as the panacea of the future. Unable to sell new nuclear plants to the U.S. public, American companies are aggressively promoting their nuclear programs abroad. Third World nations and the former U.S.S.R. are high on their agenda.

Thanks for having the courage to deal with this issue.


La Jolla

As a young wife and mother of four diagnosed with thyroid cancer, I recall asking my doctor, “What caused it?” With all the information on nuclear facilities now coming to light, his answer continues to resound in my mind: “Oh, we find people from specific areas of the country more prone to it.”


On the surface, that’s a casual explanation. However, reading and research have made it obvious to me that residing or working near a nuclear facility is indeed hazardous to human health. And with that in mind I have joined the class action against the Hanford nuclear facility.

It will be interesting in the coming decade to see how our government responds to the dangers it has allowed to be inflicted upon its own people in the name of national defense. I, and many others, don’t feel very grateful for having been so well defended during the Cold War, only to be left with continuing health problems that have taken an incalculable physical, emotional and financial toll.


