
Santa Clarita / Antelope Valley : Castaic Parents Favor School Bus Fee


Most parents responding to a school-sponsored survey here would pay a fee to bus their children to and from school if a portion of the money also would help hire more teachers or be used to buy textbooks.

But those answering the survey are unwilling to pay the fee if a portion of the money also would be used to hire counselors or to help students with limited English skills, according to results of the report released this week.

The Castaic Union School District now struggles with an annual transportation deficit of more than $260,000 and is considering a $200 busing fee, effective this fall, to cover part of the expense.


A 16-question survey was mailed in February to all Castaic school families--more than 1,000 people--asking if they would support such a fee if it also would generate money for other school programs. Options offered on the survey ranged from expanding art, music or language programs to hiring teachers, reading instructors or counselors to purchasing textbooks or other instructional supplies.

Three-hundred ninety-eight parents answered the survey, and 75% said they’d back a busing fee that would also help hire more teachers, making that the most popular option. A similar amount opposed a busing fee that would provide programs for limited English speaking students, making that the least popular proposal.

“My read on it is parents are saying the resources that go right to the classroom are the most important to them,” said Michael R. Slater, district business manager.


A fee that would help fund more textbooks, instructional supplies, reading teachers or libraries received support from more than half the parents.

About 1,200 of the 1,700 students enrolled at Castaic and Live Oak elementary schools and Castaic Middle School take the bus. Last year, the program cost the district $277,278 more than it received from the state, enough to pay for eight additional teachers.

District officials say a $200 fee would generate $63,200 a year, assuming at least 70% of those now riding the bus continue to do so.


Although the fee wouldn’t provide enough savings to pay for any of the additional services suggested by the survey, Slater said the information is still useful.

“In some ways it’s a pulse on the community as to where parents’ priorities are,” Slater said.

Castaic would become the fourth Santa Clarita Valley school district to assess a busing fee. The William S. Hart Union High School District and Newhall School District now charge students $200 a year to ride the bus and the Sulphur Springs School District charges $100 a year.
