
Computer Access

Following up on the interesting article “Fast Lane” technology in the classroom (March 27), I wanted to point out that Ventura County Juvenile Court Schools is part of the computer generation, too.

Students here--almost exclusively at-risk, minority and many with special needs--have daily access to both IBM and Macintosh systems. Through Perkins Grant funding and allocation of other resources, we provide CNN in the Classroom, CompuServe, access to the California Technology Project and are just now getting into Internet. We also use CD technology to assess “Nautilus,” a monthly publication. We also have a main server supporting more than 30 computers at three sites, all for classroom use with educational-based software in the basic core course areas.

Thanks for a positive look at the techniques of tomorrow. The students here like it and, more important, we are getting some very good results with the new system.




Bill Bateman is a teacher at Ventura County Juvenile Court Schools.
