
DOWNEY : Forced Transfers From Grade School Dropped

The Downey school board has given in to parents’ demands and backed away from a plan to force students to transfer from Maude Price Elementary School to a school that is being reopened to relieve crowding.

The 4-to-3 vote earlier this month gives Price students the option of remaining there instead of going to Unsworth Elementary School, which is being reopened.

Unsworth will draw students from three schools: Price, Gallatin and Rio San Gabriel. Fourth-graders in Gallatin and Rio San Gabriel also will have the option of finishing elementary school at their current campus. Other reassigned students from Gallatin and Rio San Gabriel will have no choice. Parents at those schools generally did not oppose the transfer.


About 50 residents, mostly Price Elementary parents, attended a board meeting to protest the original plan, which mandated all the transfers. The parents complained that students walking to school would have to cross busy Lakewood Boulevard and walk along congested Telegraph Road. They also said changing elementary schools was disruptive.
