
ALTADENA : Ousted Official Arrested for Disrupting Meeting

Ousted Town Council Alternate Jonathan Vos Post was arrested and removed from last week’s council meeting in handcuffs during an angry speech against his former colleagues.

Town Council Chairman Gregory Norden said Vos Post verbally abused those present, talked beyond the three-minute limit and ignored repeated requests from sheriff’s Lt. John Samuel to vacate the microphone last Tuesday.

“This is a clear violation of the 1st Amendment,” said Vos Post, who was also removed from his alternate post last month by council members. Sheriff’s deputies said Vos Post was arrested on suspicion of disrupting a public meeting and released on $250 bail.


He was elected council alternate last May, losing a bid to represent Census Tract 4602 to Craig Hall. He was suspended in October for six months for continuously alleging a cover-up of election fraud and attempting a citizen’s arrest on a member of the public.

Vos Post was ousted from his post for breaking the terms of his suspension, which prohibited him from representing himself as a council representative.
