
Guru’s Commune

In response to Column One, “A Feud Over Club Meditation,” by John-Thor Dahlburg, Feb. 5:

It comes as some surprise that the esoteric topic of whether Osho recommends three- or 10-day meditation camps should merit Column One headlines in a city known for riot-sized “feuds.” Just to set the record straight, those disgruntled disciples who complained to your reporter were always free do whatever they pleased; they were simply told that if they chose to disregard Osho’s suggestion, they could not expect the commune to support them by placing ads in its newspaper.

The so-called empire Dahlburg refers to is a projection of his imagination. The truth is that of the many hundreds of entities around the world involved in Osho’s work, every single one of them is economically independent and only spiritually affiliated.


Poora, India

Many years ago, Osho was asked, “What should we do about media stories?” Osho replied, “If the media says something positive about us, thank them, and if they say something negative, make sure they spell my name correctly.”


So, I wish to thank you for the positive parts of your article, and in regards to the negative parts, his name is spelled Bhagwan (not Baghwan ).


Mill Valley, Calif.
