

ALTADENA: The Town Council removed suspended alternate member Jonathan Vos Post from the council. Vos Post was suspended in October for six months for an incident involving a citizens arrest and was told not to represent himself as a member. This week, council members charged him with writing to officials using his title. In other business, the town council endorsed a library tax on the June ballot to support the Altadena Library District.

ARCADIA: A Los Angeles County jury found in favor of the city in a multimillion-dollar personal injury lawsuit filed against it by a man who was hit by a car when he was crossing the street at Santa Anita Avenue and Campus Drive.

BRADBURY: The City Council contracted with C. Edward Dilkes to continue as city attorney. Although Dilkes has been city attorney for more than two years, this is his first contract. It runs for an unspecified time.


LA VERNE: The Gang and Graffiti Task Force will hold its second meeting at 6:30 p.m. Monday at the Joslyn Senior Center, 815 Barranca Ave.

LA VERNE: The City Council has voted funds to reopen the library on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. through June 30, although no reference services will be available.

LA CANADA FLINTRIDGE: The City Council took its first step toward hooking up 137 houses to a sewer line that runs from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory by approving $3,000 to map the hookups. Many of the homeowners say it would cost too much to move from their present septic system to the sewer line.


MONROVIA: The City Council approved a joint-powers authority that would allow the creation of a San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments. Monrovia is a member of San Gabriel Valley Assn. of Cities, which would become the Council of Governments if more than half the valley’s cities approve the change. Arcadia and Temple City also approved the change this week. The Council of Governments would be empowered to act for all its member cities.

SAN GABRIEL: With $300,000 worth of damage to the City Hall and Civic Auditorium due to the Northridge earthquake, the City Council approved an application to the Federal Office of Emergency Services for repairs to public facilities.

SAN MARINO: Police Chief Frank Wills will head both San Marino’s police department and fire department. Wills unofficially began managing both departments last year when Fire Chief John De Monaco joined an Orange County department.


SIERRA MADRE: Three council members--Mayor Clem L. Bartolai, Councilman George A. Maurer and Councilwoman Maryann MacGillivray--are voicing interest in studying whether the city could save money by contracting with the Sheriff’s Department and disbanding its own Police Department. Bartolai said the 11,000-resident city cannot afford to close its mind to the idea, considering that Sierra Madre is expecting a budget shortfall of more than $100,000 this year.

TEMPLE CITY: The City Council approved a fortune-telling permit for 9001 E. Hermosa Drive.

WEST COVINA: The County Board of Supervisors has approved an agreement with West Covina to install traffic signals and highway safety lights at La Puente Road and Sentous Street. The county will provide $36,300 for the project.
