
Seeing America by RV

In recent years, millions of seniors have turned to recreational vehicles for vacation travel in the United States and Canada, and the numbers are growing. A University of Michigan study revealed that RV ownership has increased 50% among householders over age 55 since 1980. Nearly half of the 9 million RVs on American highways are owned by people over 55. And thousands more are rented every year.

Many seniors rent RVs to help them determine what type of vehicle to purchase. A full-color book offering advice for the RV renter, “Set Free in an RV,” is now available. It includes tips on how to choose the most suitable RV, a list of campgrounds and notes on travel courtesy, RV jargon and safety. A separate publication, “Who’s Who in RV Rentals,” is included when ordering the book. The price for both is $5, plus $2 for postage and handling. Write to Rental Ventures, 3930 University Drive, Fairfax, Va. 22030.

Because of the popularity of RVs, the American Assn. of Retired Persons (AARP) has created a travel industry public relations office and is co-publisher, along with the Recreation Vehicle Industry Assn., of a comprehensive booklet on RVs. It details the types of RVs and covers driving, travel planning, weight of the vehicles, tires, towing, emergencies and equipment. See address below to order a free copy.


As the RV industry has grown, so has the number of camping clubs whose membership are predominantly 50-plus RVers. In addition to companionship and social activities, these clubs offer other courtesies such as message service, mail forwarding, discounts on campground fees and merchandise. There are also caravans to visit selected destinations where arrangements for group activities can be booked.

RV campgrounds have grown increasingly sophisticated, and RVers have come to expect such amenities as restrooms and showers, mini-markets, laundry facilities, golf courses, tennis courts, swimming pools and a variety of activities and social events such as craft classes, exercise groups and dances.

RV travel offers both freedom and flexibility so that RVers need not limit their travel to summer vacation periods, when most national parks and other facilities are usually full. Wise travelers select the spring and fall, before and after school vacations, to visit the popular campgrounds.


RV travelers like to point out that they never have to look for rooms and that restaurants do not consume a large part of their travel budget since many RVs have beds, showers and kitchens.

Upon request, the RVIA will send a comprehensive set of booklets, including “Set Free in an RV” and “Safety in RVs,” which is jointly published by AARP and RVIA, along with a catalogue of publications and videos available for purchase through RVIA. Write: RVIA, Dept. MT, P.O. Box 22090, Reston, Va. 22090.

For an introduction to RV travel and camping, a free Vacation Planner from Go Camping America is available by calling (800) 477-8669.
