
L.A. SPEAK : Cyclists

animal: n . a powerful and aggressive rider.

breakaway: n . one or more racers riding ahead of the pack.

bricks: n . undigested food in the cyclist’s stomach. “She’s riding like she has a belly full of bricks.

header: n . an over-the-handlebars crash.

off the front: adj. when a single rider breaks away from the pack.

on the cranks: adj . when a rider gets out of the saddle and stands on the pedals to accelerate. “He’s on the cranks, beginning to pull away.”

pacelining: v . when riders form a single line and alternate riding at the lead position, allowing other riders to draft them.

peloton: n . the main pack of racers.

road pizza: n . abrasions from a crash.

sucking wheel: v . drafting.

tongue dragger: n . a large hill.
