
City Weighs Funds for 2 Road Projects

Ventura city leaders Monday are expected to approve spending more than $250,000 on two road projects.

City staff is recommending an expenditure of $35,284 to pay a consultant who is drafting a report on plans to improve the Ventura Freeway between Vineyard Avenue in Oxnard and Johnson Drive in Ventura.

The $44-million project, to be funded by the cities of Oxnard and Ventura and the California Department of Transportation, includes widening the Santa Clara River bridge to eight lanes and reconfiguring the Oxnard Boulevard and Johnson Drive interchanges.


The consultant on the project is requesting $78,000 more than the original contract of $583,102 because more time was spent on design alternatives than originally anticipated, city officials said. Ventura’s share would come to $35,284.

Construction on the freeway project is not scheduled to begin until 1997.

An additional $219,645 is being proposed for placing 1.8 miles of asphalt rubber on Kimball Road from Telephone Road to Thille Street and on Telephone from Kimball to Placid Avenue.

The lowest bid came from Oxnard-based Southern Pacific Milling Co.

Construction on the project is expected to begin in a few months.
