
Wrong People Laid Off in Orange Schools

* Once again, the Orange Unified School District is attempting to pay for its multimillion-dollar scandals by laying off people who actually work with our kids, including my daughter’s favorite librarian.

Interim Supt. Marilyn Corey, attempting to justify the action and spouting the sort of doublespeak typical of our district’s administrators, says that the district has to lay these people off in order to avoid cutting services to students.


No wonder the district is in such dismal financial shape.

My suggestion? In order to finance the salary of our next $100,000-a-year superintendent, the school board should delete textbooks from next year’s budget. Or lay off a few teachers.


After all, why should money actually go toward our children’s education when there are executive positions to fill?


Anaheim Hills

* Our library system has been gutted, with Orange libraries not open often enough or long enough for my son to study.

Now my son’s school library is being hit by the Orange school board’s shortsighted decision to pay for its past fiscal irresponsibility by laying off library workers.


The school board may not care about my son’s education, but I do.

And I’m tired of these high-paid bureaucrats cutting services to the public in order to perpetuate their bloated existence.

Why don’t they cut a few administrative positions for once and let the people who actually work with children do their jobs?


