
Comedy Incubator

A number of people have asked me why the L.A. Cabaret Comedy Club was not mentioned in your article (“The Last Stand for Stand-Up?,” by Chuck Crisafulli, Jan. 9). My response has been that the Los Angeles newspapers do not appear to think of the Valley as a place where culture and entertainment exist.

You should know that our club has been recognized as one of the best showcase rooms in the country by such greats as Milton Berle. This is the place where Jackie Mason started his one-man show, where Roseanne Arnold, her former husband and Tom Arnold worked when they first started in Los Angeles. When Pauly Shore needed to work, this is where he came.

If the Comedy Store and Improv are the nurseries for comics, we have been the delivery room.


So come on, give credit where credit is due. We have survived during a very difficult economic slump, but we need laughter in these times more than ever.


L.A. Cabaret Comedy Club

