
Remarkable Comeback : Prep Player Returns Quickly From Serious Brain Injuries

From Associated Press

College View Academy trailed by four points with just over four minutes remaining in its season-opener against Palmyra. College View junior Justin Schober stole the ball and raced down court.

As he went up for a layup, two defenders went for the block. One player’s elbow hit Schober’s right temple. He fell to the court, landing on his left hip and shoulder. Then he banged his head.

A pool of blood rapidly formed under his left temple. His breathing stopped.

The high school game was suspended.

Two months later, it resumed Wednesday night with Schober sinking one free throw and missing the second.


“I should’ve made both of them,” he said Thursday.

That’s the attitude of the 17-year-old, whose return has been termed remarkable.

The Dec. 2 collision left him in a coma for four days. Justin suffered a brain stem bruise, some small brain bruises and bleeding in the ventricles, said his father, Gene Schober.

After four days in intensive care, he was transferred to a rehabilitation center, where doctors expected him to stay at least three months and up to a year.

Five weeks after being admitted to the center, he was released as an outpatient. About a week later, he returned to classes at his small private school in Lincoln.


“His recovery is better than any head injury story I’ve heard,” Gene Schober said.

Justin Schober attributed his recovery to his will to leave the hospital.

He left the game against Palmyra after missing his second free throw Wednesday night. His team lost, 58-52.

He said he was neither nervous nor intimidated about playing.

“I’m fine,” he said. “It’s really a miracle.”
