
LOS ANGELES : Agency Will Waive Fees for Pets Adopted Today

The city Department of Animal Regulation will waive fees today for pets adopted from its shelters.

The department is holding Adopt-a-Pet Day to find homes for the large number of animals that were captured after running away during the Jan. 17 Northridge earthquake.

General Manager Gary Olsen reassured owners of pets that were lost after the quake and later impounded at the West Valley shelter in Chatsworth. He said the animals will be held until they are adopted or their owners claim them. Residents adopting pets today will be asked to pay only the $28 state-mandated spay-and-neuter deposit and a portion of the dog license fee for city residents, Olsen said.


All unaltered adult dogs and cats adopted by city residents will be spayed or neutered Monday by local veterinarians participating in the city’s program. The pets will be released to their new owners the next day.
