
SEAL BEACH : New Park Structure Instant Hit With Kids

Five-year-old Erica Garcia has a new $38,000 toy.

It’s the state-of-the-art playground structure at Marina Community Park, which appears as a miniature post-modern tower with its assorted slides, ladders, wheels and other attractions meant to keep youngster amused and active.

“There’s so much to do. She could stay all day,” said Erica’s mother, Maria Garcia of Long Beach. “She loves it here.”

And Erica is not alone.

Seal Beach parks officials said that use of the park has increased significantly since the new playground structure was put in late last year.


The colorful wood, plastic and metal structure replaced a gray jungle gym that was obsolete and did not meet current safety standards, said Andy Seymour, director of parks and recreation.

A committee of residents worked for months helping design the playground structure. Their goal was to create a “multi-sensory” facility that would provide fun for kids young and old, shy and outgoing.

The result was a structure with 12 “attractions” ranging from a cargo net that children can play on to a “clatter bridge” that makes a noise when it is walked across.


The structure--made mostly from wood to blend into the park surroundings--contains two towers as well as a plastic bubble that kids can look through. It is divided in such a way that kids can play in one area and then move on to another portion of the playground and use a completely different set of attractions.

The playground area is accessible for disabled people and includes a swing set. The $38,000 came from city funds and donations.

“This is my place,” Erica said as she clutched the curving slide at the park. “Tell Mommy I don’t want to go home.”
