
CYPRESS PARK : Restaurateurs Face Deadline Over Noise

The family that runs the Tlaquepaque Birrierias Restaurant has until Feb. 24 to comply with restrictions ordered last fall regarding private parties or risk losing its operating license.

Associate Zoning Administrator Jon Perica will review talks between neighbors and restaurateurs Juanita and Rudolfo Torres conducted by Councilman Mike Hernandez’s office. The restaurant is at 3618 Pasadena Ave.

Last fall, Perica required the Torreses, who rent out the restaurant for private parties, to provide security, close the restaurant by midnight, prohibit public drinking and keep music at a level that will not disturb neighbors.


“The restaurant has not caused the problems, but the owner has allowed the restaurant to be rented out for parties,” Perica said at a recent hearing. “Neighbors complained of the people racing cars, arguments, fights, public drinking. We’ve got them on a short leash, and I’m hopeful that they can work something out.”

The Torreses did not return calls made to the restaurant, or to a second one they own in Florence.

Residents on Marmion Way are tired of cars spilling out into their street and the loud noises coming from the restaurant’s parties, said neighbor Lupe Martinez. Her neighbor, Manuel Arredondo, has videotaped some of the problems, even capturing a party-goer on tape firing a gun into the air.


At a recent party, “there were cars all over,” she said. “They were running and screaming and urinating.”

Larry Hatler, an aide to Hernandez, said he will set up a meeting for residents and the Torreses. His concern, he said, is to make the owners understand the proceedings so they will fix the problems now and save on the cost of appealing any decision against them in the future.

“A number of conditions were put on the method of operating their business, and some of those conditions had not been complied with,” Hatler said. “This is important for them to show why the license should not be revoked.”
