
Women and Gun Ownership

* Regarding former Police Commissioner Ann Reiss Lane’s comment: “I thought, if these tough police officers are afraid, imagine what it must be like for the rest of us . . . with 200 million guns out there. . . .” Exactly. Missing from mention was how many of these guns are in the hands of criminals (Voices, Jan. 10).

Ironically, it was on Lane’s watch that I first considered purchasing a gun of my own. That happened as the Los Angeles Police Department failed to respond to the spread of urban arson, marauding, looting and uncontrolled civil disturbance. A city under siege forced this former gun-control advocate to rethink her position.

Regrettably, it appears that greater self-sufficiency is now also required for the taxpaying and the law-abiding citizens. It may mean defending one’s hillside home with a hose while awaiting the arrival of firefighters engaged elsewhere.


And, it may mean having a gun in one’s home as a last line of defense while awaiting 911’s dispatch of police to assist.

Any gun that I might purchase would be fully registered at the state and federal levels. As soon as someone figures out how to remove or at least register all the guns in criminal hands, I’d probably abandon thoughts of having a gun of my own.


Beverly Hills

* What a terrible thing Lane is doing to women, the very group that is the greatest target of violent abuse in this country. She sees the recent surge of guns and gun products and training programs for women as a marketing ploy to “play on their fears.” Lane and others of like mind serve only to reinforce the dangerous fallacy that women should be meek, helpless and totally dependent on others in a hostile situation. Beatings, rapes and murders are apparently things that nice women shouldn’t think about, much less adequately defend themselves against with nasty, noisy guns.


For women who do wish to take responsibility for and control of their lives and safety, I wholeheartedly suggest buying a gun, becoming proficient in its use, and demanding of our government the right to carry that gun for protection. Lane’s solution of hand-wringing and imitating the ostrich will only reinforce the violent criminal’s belief that women are easy and just prey, and the horrible consequences for women will continue to steadily increase.


Woodland Hills

* I found it somewhat amusing that former Police Commissioner Lane is thinking about organizing a campaign against guns similar to the Mothers Against Drunk Driving organization. If the Commish used the MADD theme, with the subject being guns instead, then she is on common philosophical grounds, much to her disgust I’m sure, with the National Rifle Assn. She should realize that MADD is not about to ban all cars in this country because a few individuals drink and drive. The NRA has similar goals, i.e., punish those who abuse guns, but leave the law-abiding citizen alone.



* Here’s a scenario for Ron Daub (letter, Jan. 6) and others who want to see “law-abiding citizens” carry guns to prevent random shootings “before they start.”


Let’s say some law-abiding Rambo is showing off his new Glock to some other law-abiding wanna-be. Then another law-abiding citizen, Rambo Too, gets into the act. When he sees the gun, he immediately suspects, “aha, another random shooting.” So what’s he gonna do?

He whips out his Ruger and blows away law-abiding Rambo. In his excitement, however, he pulls the trigger a little too much and, whoops, there goes yet another law-abiding citizen.

Meanwhile, Rambo Redux, another fine, upstanding law-abiding citizen, can’t help but notice. Although he cannot stop it before it starts, he can certainly make sure it goes no further. But by this time, 14 more clones of our original hero have already drawn their iron and pretty soon there’s not a one of them left.


Los Angeles

* The gun lobby loves to use the phrase “law-abiding citizens” to refer to themselves, alleging that they, not the criminals, will be the ones harmed if guns are controlled.

But most murders are committed by people who are law-abiding citizens until they pull the trigger.



* Let me get this straight; bad guys burglarize your home, steal your firearms, and then turn the weapons in for cash, toys, shoes, and concert tickets . . . no questions asked (Jan. 5). I guess it’s true what they say, “Crime does pay!”



