
Countywide : Nominees Sought for Civil Rights Awards

The Orange County Human Relations Commission is now accepting nominations for its 1994 awards honoring local people who have made outstanding contributions in the area of human and civil rights.

The commission, which was created to help diffuse inter-group tensions and foster communication, will present the awards in Costa Mesa in April. Nominations will be accepted through Feb. 18.

“There are a lot of unpleasant and nasty aspects to the work we do--(monitoring) hate crimes, racism and bigotry,” said Rusty Kennedy, the commission’s executive director. “So this is a shot in the arm for us. A chance to recognize positive things going on in the community.”


The 11-member commission will select 18 award winners based on their contribution to the Orange County community. An emphasis is put on work benefiting groups that are discriminated against, disenfranchised or disadvantaged.

Kennedy said the awards also highlight the efforts of people who often toil out of the limelight.

“It holds up good people and their accomplishments, including a lot of people who don’t get a great deal of recognition,” he said. “Sometimes it’s high-profile people, but often it’s people on the grass-roots level.”


The diverse field of recipients last year included the general manager of Southern California Edison, a group of high school students who worked to improve ethnic relations in their community, and the parents of a gay youth who reached out to support others in similar circumstances.

Besides honoring award winners, the April 24 banquet at the Costa Mesa Community Center, 1845 Park Ave, also will celebrate the 23rd anniversary of the commission.

To get a nomination form, more information or banquet tickets, call the commission’s office at (714) 567-7470. Tickets are $10 per person.


Applications are also available by writing to the Orange County Human Relations Commission, 1300 S. Grand Ave., Building B, Santa Ana, 92705. Entries may also be sent via facsimile machine to (714) 567-7474.
