
Teacher Salaries

* Re Michael D. Eisner, the $200-million man:

Are you looking for a high-paying job? Well, I’ve got one for you. In 1993, chairman Michael D. Eisner raked in $203,020,000 from the Walt Disney Co.

In contrast, in 1993, with over 20 years of service as a college business teacher, I earned exactly $56,658. That means Eisner made more than 3,583 teachers, like me, in 1993. Damn, that’s depressing. At least, for me and other teachers.

Even so, I know a lot of taxpayers who think I’m overpaid. They want to cut my pay and probably will. Right, Gov. Wilson. I wonder what these folks think about Eisner’s paycheck.


The fact is, excessive salaries, golden parachutes, deferred compensation, stock options and other management perks are out of control in most companies in the United States. If we don’t hold the line, it will further erode our international competitiveness and cost many workers their jobs. Our nation can’t afford that.


