
FOUNTAIN VALLEY : City to Consider Adding 2 Officers

Two new police officers may hit the streets within the next two months if the City Council approves the plan tonight.

Addressing residents’ concerns about crime, City Manager Ray Kromer said his goal is to put as many police officers as possible on patrol.

“We understand that the No. 1 issue in Orange County is crime, and we want our citizens to feel safe,” Kromer said. “And, at this time, we can afford to add the officers--and we think that’s the right thing to do.”


Mayor John Collins also agreed that crime is a top priority. “We’ve done a lot of measures over the year” to fight crime, he said. “We want to add more officers because we want the citizens not only to be safe, we want them to feel safe.”

Hiring two officers will cost about $124,000, including salary and benefits, officials said. The cost is offset by increased revenue from fines and the efficiency in the processing of citations--a result of changes in the way citations are handled, Kromer said.

Currently, the Police Department has 65 officers. It has been several years since there has been a new hire on the force, he said. The additional officers will help police target problem neighborhoods, Kromer said.


Council approval would result in a recruitment effort.

The meeting begins at 7 p.m. in City Council chambers, 10200 Slater Ave.
