
COSTA MESA : School Inherits Office Equipment

An office of the IBM Corp. recently gave $75,000 worth of office and electronic equipment to Costa Mesa High School.

Principal Ed Harcharik said he and other school employees worked for three days during the winter holiday to move equipment into the school.

The surplus equipment was available because the IBM sales office on Anton Boulevard is shrinking due to buyouts, said spokeswoman Terri Johnson.


Johnson said IBM offices are encouraged to help nonprofit organizations in their region. “This is a real important thing to us,” she said.

Harcharik said he received seven $3,000 oscilloscopes, four microfiche readers, 20 credenzas, 30 stainless steel chairs, computer tables, 200 binders for notebooks, five heavy-duty desks and 20 file cabinets.

Almost all of the equipment is now in science classes, the library and other classrooms and conference rooms, he said. “It made a difference to the teachers,” Harcharik said, “and it saved us a heck of a lot of money.”


Harcharik said the donation was possible because of the work of a new foundation that is being formed to let business leaders help the school.

The foundation, which must be approved by the school board, would include Ed Fawcett, director of the Chamber of Commerce, and other business leaders, Harcharik said.

The business leaders will help get equipment for the school, form scholarships, provide speakers, help with Career Day and establish mentor programs, Harcharik said.


He said Diane Pritchett, one of the members of the foundation, found that IBM had some extra equipment to give.
