
Free Crime Prevention and Safety Services Available

Special to The Times

Home Secure, a non-sectarian program of Jewish Family Service of Los Angeles, provides free crime prevention and home safety services for low- and moderate-income renters and homeowners in designated areas of East, Central and West Los Angeles; the San Fernando Valley, and the city of West Hollywood, according to director Leslie Friedman.

Services include the installation of deadbolts, entry locks, peepholes, window locks and security for patio doors; the installation of bathroom grab bars in the tub, shower or near the toilet, she said, as well as crime prevention and home safety education, and community services information and referral.

Maximum income for eligibility is $27,050 for a single person and $30,900 for a two-person household. The limit increased with additional household members. Applicants of any age may apply for services. The service has assisted residents of more than 30,000 households since its inception in 1977.


Home Secure has Spanish- and Russian-speaking staff members available to assist clients. In the case of renters, Home Secure contacts the landlord and arranges for permission to install the security devices, Friedman said.

Home Secure is funded by grants from the Community Development Departments of the cities of Los Angeles and West Hollywood.

Homeowners or renters wishing more information can call (213) 937-5855 or (818) 762-5892.
