
“DANGEROUS: THE SHORT FILMS”Michael Jackson Epic videotape,...


Michael Jackson

Epic videotape, $19.98; laser disc, $29.98

* * 1/2

Most interesting spin control: The controversial ending to the “Black or White” video has been restored, but now the windows Jacko smashes all have racist slogans digitally added, to make his spree of destruction seem less wanton. . . .

Most interesting non -spin control: Endless scenes of Jackson playing Uncle Mikey to half the world’s children--which makes for uncomfortable viewing even divorced from its current context, on sappiness alone. . . .

Worst tune: “Heal the World,” at the Super Bowl. Most touching: “I’ll Be There,” a brief duet between Jackson and his younger self, in a previously unseen European cola commercial.


What a bizarre grab bag, from brilliance to bathos in a blink, as is M.J.’s way.

Items in this periodic survey of pop-related books, videocassettes and laser discs are rated on a scale of one star (poor) to four (excellent).
