
RIGHT SOUND: When director Oliver Stone made...

RIGHT SOUND: When director Oliver Stone made “Heaven and Earth,” about the wartime experience of a young Vietnamese woman--now playing county-wide--he knew that a good part of its audience would be Vietnamese Americans. So he had a version dubbed into the Vietnamese language. . . . The only theater around showing that version is the Thu Do Cinema in Little Saigon. Officials say it’s doing well there. Much of the audience is older Vietnamese who speak little or no English.

DON’T STOP PAYING: If you live in Garden Grove and want to add a stop sign on your street, you’ll probably have to pay for it from now on. The city decided this week to pay for stop signs only where the need is severe. If you want one just for better traffic control, your neighborhood has to pay. . . . A set of four-way stop signs: $1,000. A two-way set: $500. City Councilman Robert F. Dinsen begrudgingly approved the plan, but complained it was more of “government digging deeper into the pockets of taxpayers.”

HOT SPOT: The annual eight-day Sports, Vacation and RV show, which opens at the Anaheim Convention Center on Saturday, is a chance to shop for dream vacation spots. But new to this year’s show: a kick-off celebration of Smokey Bear’s 50th birthday. His slogan, “Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires,” is so famous that now he often just says “Only You.” Look for him at the New Mexico booth: the state is plugging its Smokey Bear State Park.


HALEY’S COMET: National Republican chairman Haley Barbour is making the rounds in California this week to prepare for the ’94 elections. Tonight’s stop: Le Meridien Hotel in Newport Beach, for a dinner address to the Orange County Lincoln Club, made up of party leaders and contributors. . . . “It’s a chance for him to mix and mingle with the troops and whip up some enthusiasm for the next election,” says local party spokesman Bill Christiansen.
