
Sanford Sigoloff

We must all now say a prayer for Sanford Sigoloff. He is a businessman put in charge of a bloated bureaucracy, the California Department of Education (Nov. 19).

This department and its related sycophants defy everything that common sense, or for that matter common business sense, dictates to be important. The modern education bureaucracies only practice buzzwords and specialized jargons. Our best students remain unchallenged. Our average students are condemned to “enlightened mediocrity.” Our at-risk students now show up more but learn even less.

All is not lost. I am sure there are some integrated management options that can solve these problems. The amazing thing is that over 10 years ago (former state superintendent) Bill Honig promised a return to basics in California schools. Instead we received a huge bureaucracy that makes excuses for students not learning. These bureaucrats also negate anything that has to do with students valuing and appreciating the rewards of hard work and effort.




* Here’s a great solution to the state’s education problem: Let’s appoint someone with absolutely no background in education. A businessman who specializes in turning around failing business. Do the phrases “hatchet man, slash and burn, and downsizing” sound familiar? Who’s he going to sell the schools to when he’s finished? Ming the Merciless says “he went to public schools.” This seems to be his main qualification. I guess frequent fliers could make great pilots.

Please, state legislators, our children need a quality education to ensure a good life for them and a quality work force for the future of our once great state. Our children are not products, not numbers on a balance sheet. They are our future.


Newbury Park
