
OC HIGH / Student News and Views : OC High asks: “Do you find it difficult to communicate your feelings?”

Responses gathered by Luke Fenchel, University; Tricia Michels, Fountain Valley; Rachel Odom, Century; Prsida Brasov, Garden Grove; Kelly Darling, Calvary Chapel; Leeza Duong, Santiago; Michelle Pham, Trabuco; Sharon Maher, Westminster; Robert Wenzel, Irvine; Sarah Halverson, Costa Mesa; Judy Tsai, Huntington Beach; Dana Lenetz, Foothill; Joe Sherbanne, Mater Dei; Christi Monette, Rosary; Tina Toochinda, Dana Hills.


What do you think of marriage? Do you think you will ever get married?


“Sometimes. The funny thing is that I often find it harder to talk to people who are close to me and tend to talk to people I hardly know.”

Colette Hory, 16, junior, Dana Hills


“When I feel bad I cry, and when I’m happy I smile.”

Audrey Tantamjarik, 16, junior, Foothill


“I can communicate my feelings easily, especially if the person is approachable. It makes me feel good to express myself and get feedback from another person.”


Melissa Keenan, 16, junior, Trabuco


“Heck no! Most of the time I hold in my feelings when it’s unimportant, but if it is important, the words flow.”

Thu Nguyen, junior, Costa Mesa


“Oh yes, very much. American stereotypical society imposes the fact that the slightest expression of any feelings would indicate weaknesses and result in loss of popularity and friends. This is precisely why the typical American student lacks the technique and ability to successfully express himself.”

Foad Kasmu, 18, senior, University


“Yes, I’m a profound introvert. I hide my emotions like Simon and Garfunkel hide theirs--”I am a rock; I am an island.”


Johnny Tran, 17, junior, Huntington Beach


“I’m so emotional there’s no way to hide any of it.”

Laurie Maritato, senior, Westminster


“Yes, to my parents.”

Mara Laufemburger, 14, freshman, Fountain Valley


“I don’t find it difficult because I feel everyone can give you help, like old people because they’ve been in the situations and they understand it better since they’ve been around longer.”

David Hongslo, 17, junior, Irvine


“Yes--it’s hard to trust people or find people to trust.”

Mike Lopez, 17, senior, Mater Dei


“I find it difficult often because it’s always hard to let your guard down and open up to people. Most people think they understand, but, in reality, no one has been in the exact same situation twice.”

Yasmin Redoblado, 14, sophomore, Rosary


“I don’t find it difficult because I want people to know what I truly think.”

Kamala Mallipudi, 17, senior, Century


“It helps if you just be straight with someone and let them know what’s going on. I have no qualms about saying what I feel. The only time communicating is a problem is when someone is stubborn and won’t listen to your argument no mater what. Cooperative communication is important.”


Sylvia Puzichowski, 17, senior, Dana Hills


“I often can’t keep worries or anything in my mind for a long time. I don’t like hiding things. I think being honest is very important. And I have many people who are willing to listen to me whenever I have something on my mind.”

Joo Kim, 18, senior, Garden Grove


“I feel if I communicate my feelings with others, people will know where I am coming from.”

Blythe Linsey, 16, senior, Calvary Chapel


“I find it difficult because I keep my feelings bottled up.”

Karen Lee, 17, Junior, Trabuco


“There always exists a fear of rejection which hinders us all, at some time, to communicate our feelings.”

Lizehte Garcia, 16, junior, Foothill


“I believe that expressing feelings is one of the most important things, for both the well-being of your own happiness as well as a relationship.”

Malena Diez, senior, Costa Mesa


“I have to understand my feelings before I can express them to anyone else, so sometimes I end up saying nothing at all, which is frustrating for me.”

Cori McGraw, 17, senior, Dana Hills


“It’s harder to share my feelings with guys and my brothers, but somewhat easier to tell my friends and parents. There is a certain fear that what you have to share will be laughed at. . . .”


Lynn Tran, 16, junior, Huntington Beach


“Although I understand the importance of expressing my emotions for my personal well-being, in practice it is very difficult to express my feelings for fear of trampling over the fears of others.”

Mercedes Martinez, 17, senior, Rosary


“I feel uncomfortable when I try to express my feelings. I’m afraid people won’t understand what I am thinking.”

William Tuong, 17, junior, Santiago


“Not me, because I can trust a lot of people that I talk to and don’t care what other people say.”

Steve Candelaira, 15, freshman, Sonora


“I only find it difficult when I’m surrounded by a large group of people that I don’t know very well. However, when I’m surrounded by my friends or when I’m in class, it doesn’t make me feel uncomfortable to express my feelings because I know the people.”

Terry Fu, 18, senior, Irvine


“I’m able to express my feelings now that I’ve matured.”

Ryan Brown, 18, senior, Mater Dei


“Yeah, of course: every day, every single minute, every single second--even now. I might not even be able to communicate my feelings now .”

Yu-chun Wang, 16, junior, University


“I think showing my feelings is a sign of weakness.”

Don Nguyen, 15, sophomore, Fountain Valley


“I find the need to communicate my feelings if the situation offers intellectual stimulation to my inner self.”

Linda Van Hook, 14, freshman, Calvary Chapel


“I usually say it how it is. I don’t like to tell a half-truth just to get me by. I let the person know exactly how I’m feeling and why. Somehow it’s really easy for me, but some others find it pretty difficult.”


Keri Schuman, 14, freshman, Sonora


“It depends on who I want to express my feelings to. To some people I can easily tell them how I feel, but with others, it’s really hard.”

Jennifer Sablan, 16, junior, Garden Grove


“Yes, because sometimes you change your thoughts or just forget how you had felt before or during the conversation.”

Rowena Lazaro, 18, senior, Santiago


“No, because all of my feelings hide out and just wait for the perfect moment to pop out. When they maliciously do that, I have no control over them. They have minds of their own.”

Darci Elgen, junior, Westminster


“For some people, communicating their feelings is hard. But for me, I am very sensitive, so it’s not. When you don’t communicate your feelings, you end up keeping them inside and it all erupts and makes things worse. I think it’s good to show your true feelings so people will know that you are a sensitive person.”

Aaron Zuniga, 15, freshman, Sonora
