
City Licensing of Auto Repair Shop

In the recent case involving Regina Barrett’s operation of Broadway Auto Services without a Santa Monica business license (Times, Oct. 24 and 28), I was startled to see the city attorney pursuing such a harmless and minor criminal charge for what appeared to be conduct arising out of a misunderstanding.

I accepted, of course, that I might not have all the facts, until I read Deputy City Atty. David Borrino’s depiction of Barrett as a scofflaw. Borrino? He’s one of the Myers-Lawrence Regime’s great contributions to the Santa Monica business community. Borrino is part of the City Attorney/Rent Control Board Arsenal of Economic Democracy. These lawyers appear to be hired under a litmus test that views all commercial enterprise as the enemy, and finds all the ills of society originating in private property rights and free markets.

It is only natural that Barrett would become the subject of childish prosecution. These attorneys relish spending the taxpayers’ money and time pursuing their little vendettas against everyday, dirty rotten to the core entrepreneurs and landlords.



Santa Monica
