
America’s World Role: Divided We Stand : Keeping Troops Abroad

“A plurality of almost half of the Influentials would keep U.S. troop strength in Europe at the 100,000-man level now planned for the future (down from about 300,000 men in Cold War days) ... In some contrast, a strong two-thirds majority of Influentials favored keeping U.S. troop strength in South Korea as it is, at 39,000 men ...”


(Numbers indicate percent for keeping 100,000 troops in Europe vs. Current troop levels in South Korea)

News Media 100,000 troops in Europe: 47% Current troop levels in South Korea: 69%

Business/Finance 100,000 troops in Europe: 50% Current troop levels in South Korea: 67%

Cultural 100,000 troops in Europe: 35% Current troop levels in South Korea: 58%

Foreign Affairs 100,000 troops in Europe: 60% Current troop levels in South Korea: 76%

Defense/Security 100,000 troops in Europe: 66% Current troop levels in South Korea: 80%

State, Local Government 100,000 troops in Europe: 60% Current troop levels in South Korea: 69%


Think Tank/Academy 100,000 troops in Europe: 48% Current troop levels in South Korea: 68%

Religion 100,000 troops in Europe: 59% Current troop levels in South Korea: 57%

Science/Engineers 100,000 troops in Europe: 35% Current troop levels in South Korea: 58%

Note: The public was not asked this question.
