
EAST LOS ANGELES : Resource Center Seeks New Resources

The county’s East Los Angeles Public Library and the Chicano Resource Center are forming a Friends of the Library group to lobby for more government funds, sponsor activities and raise money.

“We want to raise support for the library and get the community involved because this is their library,” said Luis Pedroza, director of the library’s Chicano Resource Center. The center has had its $33,000 budget cut by 85% over the last year, Pedroza said.

Manager Linda Chavez said the East Los Angeles branch is not targeted for closure, but budget cuts have not allowed the library to buy new books.


A county hiring freeze has reduced the number of workers at the building from 19 to 13. Hours have been cut in half, closing the library three days a week.

A meeting to form the Friends of the Library will be 10 a.m. Saturday, at the library, 4801 E. 3rd St.

Information: (213) 264-0155.
