
SIMI VALLEY : City to Participate in Task Force on Trash

Frustrated by delays in forming a countywide waste authority, the Simi Valley City Council on Monday agreed to join a task force that would meet the trash needs of east county cities more quickly.

“We need to find cheaper and easier ways to handle our trash, and we need to do it in a timely way,” said Bill Davis, a city councilman who also serves on the county’s Waste Commission.

State law requires that cities reduce by half the amount of trash dumped in landfills by 2000 or face fines of up to $10,000 a day.


Plans to form a countywide Waste Authority to help cities meet that goal suffered a setback last month when state legislators significantly altered a trash management bill created by officials from Ventura County and its 10 cities.

Moorpark has already agreed to join the East Ventura County Waste Task force. The city of Thousand Oaks is scheduled to consider the matter tonight. The county Board of Supervisors is set to discuss the issue next Tuesday.
