
SAN FERNANDO : Chamber Seeking Mentors for Program

As many as 60 San Fernando High School students will get a chance to spend a day with an area business leader next month under a program sponsored by the San Fernando Chamber of Commerce and the school’s Business Academy.

“The more job shadowing or hands-on experience they have, the more prepared they’ll be,” chamber President Joe Sandoval said. Sandoval will be mentoring students at the offices of his own business, San Fernando Auto Insurance Services.

Sandoval said the program was one of many offered by the Business Academy, a group of area entrepreneurs and other business people who came together to help San Fernando youngsters understand the business world.


The program is coordinated by Arlene Rosenblatt, who said she got the idea from a similar program in Fontana. Several of the entrepreneurs teach a one-day class at San Fernando High each semester. “For example, when Arlene’s class happens to be discussing insurance, I come in and teach a class,” Sandoval said. “I really enjoy it.”

The advisory council has also offered students field trips to area businesses like the SAMCO Corp., which manufactures medical pipettes, or the Peoples’ Store, a retail clothing outlet that has been in business since the 1950s and even a Kaiser Permanente clinic that has allowed a behind-the-scenes look at hospital operations.

So far, 13 businesses have signed up to mentor students for the one-day program next month. Business people who want to participate can sign up until Sept. 30, he said.
