
Use of El Toro Base

* I am appalled by the hypocrisy demonstrated by Irvine city officials in their attempts to control the future use of El Toro Marine Base, and to avoid the development of an airport.

This is the same city that encouraged the Orange County Board of Supervisors to enact the John Wayne Master Plan, thereby quadrupling the air traffic over Orange, Tustin, Costa Mesa and Newport Beach.

Irvine city officials did not care a whit about the destruction in quality of life for the thousands of citizens affected by the expansion. Irvine never advocated giving the aforementioned cities control of the decision to expand or not expand John Wayne Airport from a small facility to the monster it is today.


It is entirely hypocritical of Irvine to demand some control over El Toro for itself. Irvine forfeited that right when it did not follow the “golden rule”: Do unto others as you would have done unto you.


Costa Mesa
