
San Gabriel : Police Officers Get Raise

More than two years since their last cost-of-living raise, the city’s police officers received a two-stage pay hike that will total more than 5%, under a contract approved by the City Council last week.

Because salaries had lagged below the market average, raises were needed to retain officers and to stem the loss of morale in the department, according to city staff. In a recent survey of 11 police departments in the area, pay for San Gabriel’s senior officers ranked ninth.

Salaries for all San Gabriel officers will increase by 3% retroactive to June 26, 1993. In January, 1994, the new base pay will rise by 2%.


City Administrator P. Michael Paules said the staggered increases will be more affordable for the city. Reserves set aside in the current year’s budget will cover the costs, he said.

In other matters, Paules said the city needs to fill vacancies on several city commissions: planning, parks and recreation, civil service and youth. Volunteers are asked to contact Paules.
