
A Christian, Not an Anti-Semite

* Devon Showley took exception (“Goofy Errors on Jewish Religion, Race” Aug. 1) to my letter to The Times (July 18) which endeavored to clarify the difference between the Hebrew race and Judaism as a religion.

My primary purpose for rehashing this issue in print is not because Mr. Showley disagrees with history, but because of his statement, “It is sad, that one must discredit what should have died in Berlin.”

Since I must have given the impression that I am an anti-Semite, a response is in order. I am a Christian who believes that the Scriptures, from Genesis through Revelation, are the inspired word of God.


I am a dispensationist and believe that the Jewish people are God’s chosen people. I pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

My Bible tells me that Israel will yet be the recipient of God’s unconditional promises to Abraham.


Huntington Beach
