
Maybe Buyers Should Watch Home Shopping

It was with great interest that I read James Flanigan’s column (“Information Age Gives Clout to TV Shopping,” July 14) in which he states that “the competitive edge in this new horse race will be less a matter of fashion than information. The contest looks unequal today--crude costume jewelry sold on TV compared to splendors of the world sold in fashion malls.” He goes on to state that people want to spend less time shopping in stores.

I have done a lot of comparison shopping in my lifetime, particularly in jewelry stores and pawnshops. It has become apparent that the best prices are offered on home shopping channels, and this includes quality also. For a price 1,000 times higher than I am willing to spend, “big-name” department stores might have something comparable.

New and useful products are sold on TV. Buyers for stores in my area have never heard of or seen many of them, nor do they know how to get them. Maybe buyer ignorance is contributing to the shopping mall downfall.



Goleta, Calif.
