
SCHOOL DUEL: State Sen. David A. Roberti...

SCHOOL DUEL: State Sen. David A. Roberti of Van Nuys wants to revive his bill to dismantle the Los Angeles Unified School District, a popular cause in the Valley. The first try sailed through the Senate, where Roberti rules, only to die in committee in the Assembly, turf of Speaker Willie Brown, sworn foe of the breakup movement. Now Roberti says he knows a parliamentary maneuver to put a revived bill before the full Assembly. . . . Brown’s response: He knows that route and has the votes to kill it again (B1).


LOVE NOT ENOUGH: Cancer, often thought of as a disease of the aging, hits the young too. And there was only one place in the nation where 20-somethings could talk with peers about the problems of dating after chemotherapy leaves you bald: Vital Options in Studio City. Now money problems have killed it (B1) . . . “People would say, ‘You guys are so busy being charitable, and being kind and taking care of people, you didn’t focus on money management,’ ” said its president, Selma Schimmel.


BURDEN OF DOOM: Fear of Friday the 13th goes back to Norse legend--a 13th dinner guest once raised hell in Valhalla--and has its own Trivial Pursuit-winner Greek name: triskaidekaphobia. It hobbled great men such as Napoleon, but makes no dent on Peter Semikoff, above, who chose the evilest day to walk under a ladder while fixing traffic lights in Porter Ranch. . . . Good news for triskaidekaphobes: next Friday the 13th is nine months off.


BOYS OF CUCAMONGA: Since moving from San Bernardino to their new home, the minor league Rancho Cucamonga Quakes, Class-A affiliate of the San Diego Padres, have set a California attendance record. Crowds turn out to see their new $11-million stadium, which has a lavish electronic scoreboard and a fountain in left field that shoots fireworks after each home team homer or victory (C1). . . . The Quakes are expected to draw about 325,000 fans this year.
