
Westminster Man Shot on Freeway Dies

A 21-year-old Westminster man was fatally shot Friday as he rode with friends on the Riverside Freeway.

The man, identified as Toan Ngoc Nguyen, was shot about 1 a.m. in a car near the Magnolia Avenue exit, police said. Another car pulled up along side and a gunman leaned out, firing at Nguyen and wounding him in the upper body, said Lt. Vince Howard.

Investigators said they believe the attack was gang-related.

After the shooting, the car with Nguyen pulled off the freeway and stopped along Magnolia Avenue near near Crescent Avenue. Police found him in the car, along with three other people who were not injured.


Paramedics took the victim to UCI Medical Center in Orange, where he died about 3:45 a.m.

Police said they were interviewing the witnesses to the shooting and trying to develop other leads in the attack.
