
Invitation to Madonna Mania


Material girls and boys from all over the country arrive at the Hyatt Hotel on Sunset this weekend for “Justify My Life!,” L.A.’s first exposition devoted solely to Madonna.

Organizer Marc Trippany estimates that between 500 and 1,000 hard-core fans will be there to network and experience mass Madonna mania.

Among what Trippany calls “musts for a Madonna-holic” are a visit to the “Madonna Museum,” a chance to do some Madonna shopping or the experience of watching a performance by Blond Exhibition, a group of Madonna impersonators who “do every look Madonna has ever done.”


Our favorite event: Two people who have written a book called “The Madonna Connection” will be on hand to read and lecture. “Madonna is being taught in a college in Colorado now,” says Trippany with understandable pride.

Madonna has not commented. “Her people are very aware and supportive,” says Trippany, “but they want to sit back and see how this turns out before they endorse it.”

Life Imitates Serial?

Though Hollywood was shocked-- shocked! --by the Heidi Fleiss “Madam to the Stars” revelations last week, we felt a different frisson. It was deja vu.

In checking over a few back issues of Premiere magazine, we noticed some characters in “The Blue Screen,” the serialized novel John H. Richardson writes, that seemed to chronicle a world very similar to Heidi’s.


Among the similarities to published accounts of l’affaire Fleiss are Richardson’s two madams who are rivals, the behind-the-scenes use of a private detective and the young Hollywood madam who holds court on the second floor of a Sunset Strip nightclub that has the earmarks of On The Roxx, Fleiss’ hangout.

Richardson says his characters are fictional or composites. As to the ones who seem to be their real-world counterparts, he says: “Can’t these people come up with their own lives? Do they have to live the ones I make up?”
