
STILL SMILING: U.S. Rep. Jay C. Kim...

STILL SMILING: U.S. Rep. Jay C. Kim has made few public comments lately, except to deny allegations that he channeled several hundred thousand dollars from his business into his campaign war chest last year, in violation of federal election laws. But Kim, a Republican whose district includes northern Orange County, had something else to talk about on Monday: He boasted of being the only first-term congressman to participate in all 346 possible House votes since January. . . . Says Kim: “I intend to continue providing the best service I can to my constituents and my country.”

READ ON: County transportation officials continue battling the Tag Rag clothing company’s advertising at bus stops after complaints from Supervisor Gaddi H. Vasquez that they encourage graffiti taggers. . . . However, the number of bus stops with Tag Rag ads was cut from 43 to 16--and those now have disclaimers sternly warning vandals: “You tag, you pay. Don’t risk it.”

FAMILY SECRETS: Victims of Incest Can Emerge Survivors--or VOICES--a Tustin nonprofit agency that offers weekly professional therapy to 140 women, is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year (E1). . . . Co-founder Mary Cangelosi, herself an incest victim, says talking is important: “Every time I tell my story, it lifts more of the shame. You don’t just give it up overnight. I hope these perpetrators are hearing adult women stand up and say: ‘This is what my dad did to me.’ ”


CHEESE SPECIAL: Stories abound about just where Walt Disney dreamed up Mickey Mouse. But one prevailing version is that Walt first sketched him on a steam train trip from the East Coast to California in 1928. So, for Mickey’s 65th birthday, Disneyland has brought back an old sponsor, the Santa Fe Railway. . . . On a 30-day trip loaded with Disney characters and promotional stops, a Santa Fe steam train will arrive Nov. 18--the supposed birthday.
