
Letters to the Ventura Edition : Supervisors are Out of Control

The Ventura County Board of Supervisors is out of control. I can’t believe that a county with a $13-million shortfall in revenues is going to spend $2.1 million on “longevity incentives.” It just doesn’t make good business sense. As if six weeks of annual leave in the first year of service isn’t incentive enough, current economic conditions are such that city managers should be grateful to have jobs at all.

I’m tired of my tax dollars serving the purpose of incentive. I propose an incentive plan for the county board to start controlling its own spending.


Simi Valley

Public Words in Support of Takasugi

Recently, during the heat of the state budgeting crisis, I made negative comments about Assemblyman Nao Takasugi. My statement was based upon the latest available information; however, before any voting took place, the situation changed. I have apologized to Assemblyman Takasugi privately, and, in fact, have written and thanked him for his vote on the state budget as it was ultimately adopted.


Private retractions to negative public comments are both appropriate and beneficial, but private comments are not adequate. Therefore, I want you and the public to know that I appreciate and commend Assemblyman Takasugi for his vote on the state budget. I also want to publicly thank Assemblywoman Paula Boland and Senator Cathie Wright. They also displayed courage and commitment to the principles of Home Rule, and we owe them a debt of gratitude.


Thousand Oaks

Schillo is a member of the Thousand Oaks City Council.

Moorpark Schools Vote Not Costly

The Moorpark school board election this November will cost about $3,000, far less than stated in district propaganda. Citizens, desiring the democratic election process, worked to obtain all the signatures needed for the election immediately after the appointment of a new school board member was made. Those citizens successfully presented the petition to the Ventura County Superintendent of Schools within three days to save the Moorpark district the cost of a special election.

Three thousand dollars is a small price to pay for democracy. There are many important issues facing the Moorpark School District. The people deserve the right to determine who will best represent them; this was not a decision that should have been made by four board members. The school board, district staff and city officials must now realize that there are many in Moorpark who cherish the freedom to choose representation in the privacy of the voter’s booth and will insist upon exercising that right whenever the opportunity arises.




Thousand Oaks Can Be Very Exclusive

The Thousand Oaks Alliance for the Arts is soliciting donations in neighboring cities and communities to create an operating endowment for the new Civic Arts Plaza. According to The Times (“Arts Plaza Money Request at Center Stage,” July 11), the necessary funding cannot be generated within the city of Thousand Oaks.

When it comes to revenue, Thousand Oaks tries to be all-inclusive. Shopping at The Oaks mall and the Thousand Oaks Auto Center are promoted to a wide area beyond the city. Now a group is trying to promote the Civic Arts Plaza to non-residents.

However, when it comes to services, Thousand Oaks is very exclusive. The city will not process applications for marriage licenses or passports from non-residents. While residents get free library cards, non-residents must pay $55 per year for library cards. The City Council has even canceled a planned extension to Sunset Hills Boulevard to block traffic from Simi Valley. Now the city is studying seceding from the Ventura County Fire Protection District, which would leave a major gap in fire protection for neighboring areas outside the city limits.


I would not be surprised if non-residents who contribute to the Civic Arts Plaza endowment will find a cold shoulder when they attempt to use the facility on the same basis as residents.

Thousand Oaks: Wake up! You cannot remain inclusionary for generating revenues and then exclusionary when spending those revenues on services. I refuse to donate to any Thousand Oaks cause as long as this two-faced attitude prevails.



Jail Fund Shortage Was Never a Secret

The plain and unvarnished truth is that the question of operating funding was never a serious issue within either the county or the Board of Corrections (“Cash Shortfall Jeopardizes Jail’s Future,” July 12).

All the talk of how the economy “just went sour” conflicts with the truth that by late 1990, California--including Ventura County--was clearly in a major recession. The present straits in which the county now finds itself should be no surprise. If it is a surprise, then our experts and elected officials are incompetent and ought to be fired or recalled.

Since we now know that supervisors earn $90,000 a year or more, with perks, pension, etc., maybe in 1994 we’ll see a better selection of candidates. At that price, some really qualified people may just throw their hats in the ring. Wouldn’t that be exciting?


Santa Paula

Picking a Fight With an Artist

Re: Tony Duquette’s (Ventura County Life, July 15).

Have Ventura County bureaucrats nothing better to do than harass an artist in the Santa Monica Mountains?


Given the county’s terrible budget crisis, it is just ludicrous to waste resources on such a witch hunt. Picking a fight with Tony Duquette is hardly the highest and best use of our tax dollars.

This whole silly episode reminds me of another artist whose vision was attacked by overzealous officials: Many years ago the city of Los Angeles tried to destroy Simon Rodia’s Watts Towers because they were “unsafe.” But the towers withstood the wrecking ball and bulldozer and remain today as one of the real treasures of Los Angeles.

Duquette’s creation is extraordinary and we are fortunate to have him among us. But if the bureaucrats have their way, once more the arts will take it on the chin, and Ventura County will gain distinction as a hotbed of hayseeds.


